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Liang Qiu 邱亮
(pronounced as Leon Chew)
Dr. Liang Qiu is a Senior Applied Scientist at Amazon. He received his Ph. D. degree from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, UCLA, co-advised by Prof. Song-Chun Zhu from the Center for Vision, Cognition, Learning, and Autonomy (VCLA) and Prof. Achuta Kadambi from the Visual Machines Group. He also works closely with Dr. Weiyan Shi at Northeastern University and Prof. Zhou Yu from the NLP research at Columbia University.
[06/2024] Check out Aligning Large Language Models via Fine-grained Supervision accepted by ACL 2024.
[07/2023] I am co-organizing the first Social Influence in Conversations Workshop at ACL 2023.
[07/2023] Check out KokoMind: Can LLMs Understand Social Interactions?
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